Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Ummm...No Thank You

So let's discuss what happened to me today.  I went to this place called Dishes for my salad at lunch.  It's a great place if you live in NYC - salads are fab and the food is always fresh/good.  I got my salad, went to pay, asked for an iced tea.  They told me to pick it up on the other side of the counter.  It was jam packed.  So I walked over, was waiting and being awkward (shocking) as others tried to get around me. Finally it came I had to reach to get it and the guy behind me kindly helped a sister out.  I thought - well that was nice and proceeded to walk outside.  Next thing I know he's standing next to me at the cross walk and begins to ask me like 20 questions (what do you do, what are you eating for lunch, how do you like your job, etc.).  I was trying to be nice and friendly - but I really wasn't in the mood.  Eventually the light turned and we had to walk across the street together.  Again I was being nice and praying that we didn't have to continue this for the next like 4 blocks.  So I started going left and I could see he thought about following suit, but then was going right and yelled out "can I buy you a drink sometime" - I politely replied - "no thank you" head down and walked the other way. 
SOOOO here's the thing.  1. I'm incredibly awkward when it comes to situations like this.  2.  The whole way back to my office I thought - did I really do the right thing??  3.  Beggars can't be choosers HOWEVER I feel like I also thought it was pretty bizarre.  4.  I was reassured by 2 friends that I did in fact make the right decision considering he looked to be 40+ years old, had an accent I couldn't understand and I swear to GOD resembled Larry from the 3 Stooges.

So I'll leave you with that image.  Thank you and Good Night!  XOXO

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