Thursday, September 15, 2011

Challenge Accepted

So I know you're getting sick of my apologies and empty promises - but work has seriously taken over my life these past few weeks.  It's been cray cray to the max.  Sooo once again - sorry for being absentee.  Hopefully this story will help and make up for it.  It involves Giuliana, Carrie, a pair of jeans and MIA boys. 

This past weekend I was overcome with not one, but two migraines.  And for all of you out there that get them - you feel my pain.  Friday night I was a disaster.   I popped more pills than I care to remember - I woke up Saturday morning feeling like a bobble head and just hoping I kicked this thing!  I did…for a little while at least.  So I ran around on Saturday - I was quite productive!  In my travels I was on a search for a pair of black skinny jeans.  I feel like these are a good fall staple.  After being in Bloomingdales for over an hour and trying on about 20 pairs of jeans, the girl, who I warned I was a "problem child", finally threw in her white flag.  She was like I'm done - I can't help you any more.  So she took me aside and whispered for me to go upstairs to the other department to see what was up there.  I did just that and found the best thing that has ever happened to me. Now I'm slightly embarrassed about what I'm about to tell you - but I feel it is my duty to share this secret.  I wound up getting the most amazing pair of "Not Your Daughters" jeans!  I shrieked even writing it!  But seriously guys - they're amazeballs. Soooo comfortable and according to Carrie - my ass never looked better!  These are the ones I got and I'm obsessed:

So that I night I wore those bad boys and my new Trina Turk shirt - I was ready to go!  Me, Giuliana & Carrie went to Centro for dinner - basically I licked my plate it was so delish!  After that we were raring to go!  We bounced around a bit then committed to a bar.  It was fun - nothing crazy.  That is when Giuliana decided to throw the gauntlet.  She challenged me to walk up to 2 guys and tell them that my jeans "were not my daughters".  CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!  

The next guys that walked by us - I ever so awkwardly sauntered up and this was our exchange:

Me:  Hey - what's up - so quick thing - these aren't my daughters.
Guy:  What - I'm confused what is going on
Me:  Not a big deal - just tell that girl over there that you agree- not my daughters
*Giuliana is doubled over at this point and Carrie is trying so hard not to die laughing - we think we're hilar*
Guy:  I don’t know what is going on
Me:  Seriously - this isn’t fun - just tell her "yes" and lets move on. 
It started to not be funny- the guy was so dumb and not playing along at all and above all else I think he must have eaten like a bulb of garlic and washed it down with beer - he smelled so bad.  So although I accepted the challenge - it wasn't as fun as we anticipated.  Tough crowd.  Then this other group of guys came over and they were actually fun - joking around, etc. - so nice. We were getting ready to leave - my headache came back and I was not in good shape.  So as we were walking out the fun group of guys followed us and were asking where we were going.  I started to talk to one of them - he was totally cute - and he was like yah well text me and let me know where you go - maybe we can meet up.  I said great - turned around to the girls and said - awesome he wants me to text him but I don’t have his number - oh well.  WRONG!!  Giuliana & Carrie started yelling at me telling me I had to chase him down the street and get his number! CHALLENGE #2 THROWN & ACCEPTED!  I got my slow job in gear and off I went.  I didn’t even know his name I was just yelling "Excuse me!  Excuse me!"  Finally I caught up, grabbed his arm and he turned around.  Again - with such grace I sputtered something out to the affect of:  "my friends said I needed to give you my number and then you walked away, so I was just coming back to give you my number in case you wanted to call me".  My game is so on point!  He smiled and took my number and said he'd call.  So I slinked back to the girls told them I did it and they were like 2 proud parents!  I'm back in the game!  We went home and called it a night.

The next morning I actually did get a text from him at like 10 AM!  I was pretty surprised - but it was cute and we texted back and forth a bit on Sunday.  He's also a Jets fan - so we chatted about the game a bit.  BUT here's the dilemma - I haven't heard from him since Sunday!  Totally weird!  Especially since in one of the texts he basically asked me out.  So what do I do?!  Do I just forget about it and chalk it up to some guy I basically met on the street and not even go down that road of disappointment?? Or do I go balls out - CHALLENGE #3 STYLE - and text him tonight/tomorrow and then forget about it if I don’t hear from him?!  And if I do text him - what do I say??  As you can see - I hate these things and I hate being a girl in these situations.  It's the worst!  I need advice!!  Send along your thoughts!! 

It's almost Friday!!  At least I have that going for me!!  XOXO

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