Thursday, October 6, 2011

Jessica! JESSICA!!

Sooo my morning started off awkward and the day has continued right down that path.   Are you surprised?!
I was walking to work this morning and right as I was leaving Dunkin Donuts for a lil morning iced tea, I saw this girl that I was convinced was this girl that I went to high school and college with.  So me being me start chasing after her yelling her name (let's call her Jessica).  The girl does not turn around, so I continue yelling and running, "JESSICA!  JESSICA!".  
Finally she turns around -  completely not the girl at all.  Just some stranger.  Thank God she was friendly because we both burst out laughing and I of course apologized for being a raving lunatic at 8 am.  She just laughed it off and said "well good to know I have a doppelganger running around this city". 
Which made me think…do we all have a doppelganger running around?!   mean I've never seen/met mine - that's probably for the best.  I can barely handle one of me - let alone 2.   Have any of you ever met yours??  Do you think we have them??  Who's with me?!  Am I just having "deep thoughts" alone on a Thursday afternoon?? 

So then I get to work and continue my day.  I'm wearing, for the first time, a Spanx slip under my dress.  Again, file this under, "good idea at the time".  While still in my apartment I was all "this is the best thing ever - I love it - never taking it off".  Now I'm about one fat roll away from hurling this thing across the room.  
It keeps rolling down/riding up.  At one point I was trying to shimmy it down and realized that I had somehow turned it inside out and upside down.  Not an easy fete - but I managed.  So the whole day I've just been pulling this thing all over the place and praying that no one actually sees me. 
I also had the biggest craving for Sour Patch Kids today - like so bad I had to leave work, go to Duane Reade and buy a pack. Sorry I'm not sorry.
Jersey Shore in the hizzous tonight!  Who's excited?!  I'm also just stoked that tomorrow is Friday!!!  What what!  Can't wait for the freakin' weekend!! 

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