Tuesday, January 24, 2012

2 Quick Things!

Hello world!  Today is gorgeous out - I only wish I was able to enjoy it and not be in this stupid office all day!  Wahhh!  Ok enough about that.  So 2 things today.  1.  I'd be remiss if I didn't give my input on last night's finale of RHOBH and 2.  Have I discussed my new favorite blog(besides mine)?!
Ok I had mixed feelings about this.  I thought the finale was going to be dramz and angsting and tears galore, but it was really pretty subdued.  They didn't address a lot of issues that I thought they would and 3 of the "main" women were hardly/not even shown. 

Did anyone else think it was odd that Brandi, Kim & Taylor were basically left out of the whole episode?!  Because I sure did!  I know technically Brandi is still "new" and doesn't have that much status yet, but she was a main focus of a lot of what went down this season.  I just thought that was weird.  And where the heck was Kim the whole time?!  Taylor I get - I think the wedding was around the same time as Russell's death, so totally understand.  But Kim didn't go into rehab until like December, right?!  I'm so confused! 
Anyways…Pandora looked gorg and just so happy - so did her new husband.  

I actually got a little teary when Ken gave his speech.  I thought the whole event was breathtaking - just amazing.  I'm just a lil upset that my invite got lost in the mail.  Side note - what is going on with Lisa's son??  They discussed him last season, but not so much this season.  I'd like a status update on him and what he's doing with his life.  Thanks. 
All in all I thought it was a good season.  As much drama and craziness that happens - they still do appear (operative word here is "appear") to be pretty close.  Also last season I really was not a Camille fan - but this season she really made a comeback!  I enjoyed her and I thought she was so nice and dramz free - totally turned around my opinion!
2.  Suri's Burn Book
This is one of the main reasons that I'm so sad that I can no longer look at blogs at work.  However, this is also one of the only ones that I still keep up on - at home!  Whoever writes this is pure genius and I want to meet them/be their friends.  Basically it's a blog written through the eyes of Suri Cruise and it talks all about the other children of Hollywood.  Although I hate her disdain for some of these kids (i.e. Garner-Afflecks, Alba-Warrens, Stefani-Rossdales, etc.), it makes Suri sound like such a lil biznatch - kind of like I'd imagine her to be.  She also takes major offense to ANYTHING the Jolie-Pitt children do.  And the best part is that she also makes fun of her parents - which is hilar.  It's the most ridiculous read I've read in awhile!  Here's one of the latest excerpts:
Jon Voight, grandfather to the Jolie-Pitt brood, told E! News he sees a future for his grandkids in the entertainment industry.
“I don’t want to say, but I have a feeling that they will,” he admitted. “I have no doubt.”First of all, “I don’t want to say” is different from, ahem, saying things. Just like “having a feeling” is different from “having no doubt.” I’m five and I can construct a proper sentence, Mr. Voight.“Hollywood should be afraid of them. These guys are really something.”Oh, I’m afraid of them, all right. But not for the reasons their grandfather suspects. These kids are just so unpredictable and off the rails — you never know what they’re going to do, and that frightens me. As for their talent? Highly doubtful. Unless there’s some market for professional public pajama-wearing that I’m not aware of.
I mean - I die!  Get after reading it NOW!!!
So that's all for today!  Until next time sukkkkahs!  XOXO

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