Tuesday, January 3, 2012

"New Year - New Girl"

Confession - this quote was stolen from one of my sister's friends - but I just couldn't resist.  Best. Statement.  Ever.  Sooo Happy New Year!!  I hope you're all hangover free and ready for 2012!! Today is my first day back at work in what seems like forever - totally not liking it!  But by tomorrow - I'll be back in the swing of things.  Did you all make your New Year's Resolutions?!  I have a few that I'll share - some are just for me - but maybe these will help you if you're stumped for what to do in this brand new year!!
#1 Get Back Into Shape

I know this one is a bit cliché, but it's necessary!!  I need to get back in a routine and back on a reasonable diet.  My brother is getting married in June and this girl would like to lose at least 10 pounds between now and then!!  Soooo - here we go! 
#2 Take A Class
I need to keep challenging myself.  I'm determined to take a class of some sort this year - whether it's academic or just something simple like a cooking class.  I just need to get my brain in motion and start making it work!  I'm getting too complacent in my job/life and I need to make a point to keep the old noggin active!
#3 Put Myself Out There
Now this is something that I constantly struggle with.  I try very hard to believe in "me" and realize all I have to offer.  But back in my head there is that constant fear of rejection.  I need to silence that and just get out there!  I have to get a better attitude of "if he doesn't like it, his lose".  It's a difficult thing for me and I find myself not trying, just because I fear the end result.  So this year - balls to the wall!
#4 Keep Writing

I'm really going to try my best to post on the blog as often as I possibly can!  It's hard sometimes and it's like "one more thing", but then I realize that I have people out there that enjoy what I write and that keeps me going!!  Sooooo I'm going to do my best!!
I hope these will help guide you to a great start to the year!  I'm already off to a good start by skipping the gym to go to the grocery store tonight!!  Whoops! 

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