Friday, January 6, 2012

Welcome Back, Welcome Baaaaack

So I started out my morning walking to work, as per usual.  I was crossing 5th Avenue and a bus, that shouldn't have tried to go through the light but did anyway, was completely blocking the crosswalk, making it difficult for us pedestrians to cross the street.  The man next to me was not having a good morning apparently, because when this happened, instead of just walking around the bus and being slightly annoyed, he…
1.  Stood in front of it
2.  Put his middle finger in the air
3.  Screamed "F*ck you BUS!  F*ck you!!"
Then proceeded to just walk around it like the rest of us.  Ahhh gotta love New York! 
I also went to the gym last night…2 nights in a row…I mean I'm kinda on a roll!!  Does anyone else get annoyed at the "New Year Gym Goers"?!?  Am I the only one??  I mean it's not like I live at my gym, but I try to go at least 3-4 days a week and more when I'm really motivated (aka now).  But these people that make these New Year's resolutions and come to the gym for about January and then not again for the rest of the year, really burn me up!  They take up the machines, use space at the mats and just generally annoy me.  I had to use a locker in a different section than I've been using ALL YEAR! It's actually pretty maddening.  
But then I just have to tell myself it will all be over in a few weeks. Then it's back to normal!

Ok now onto the most important thing - JERSEY SHORE IS BACK!!!  
All my little Guidos and Guidettes are back in the good 'ol U S of A!  Last night's episode was pretty uneventful, but there were a few little gems that I enjoyed.  Here are my "take aways" (btw did any of your teachers ever use that phrase?!  It used to drive me bananas!!  "what are your take aways from today's class??")
·       Ronnie & Sammi didn't have AN fight.  I repeat Ronnie & Sammi did. Not. Fight. Amazing.  I actually enjoyed the two of them last night.
·       Ryder has become kind of a slore!  I mean she's really working her way through the house! 
I actually did feel a little bad for her though, right after she hooks up with Pauly, he's out with the boys making fun of her for hooking up with everyone!  Guuuurrrlll pull it together - stop slutting it up for every guy in that house!!
·       Situation is as creepy as ever.  Either tell Jionni or don’t - this is just getting annoying.  Also - when you talk to people - either put your sunglasses on or off.  Don’t peer over them creepily and pretend like that's normal.  
And another thing - stars shaved into your head is never a good look.  Stick to Vinny's "faux mullet/Mohawk". 
·       There is a person out there that thinks it's awesome that his name is "The Unit".  Again - his name is "The Unit".  That's all. 

·       Vinny - my sweet little Vinny.  
This boy is more home sick than I was my first night at college sleeping in a room with 2 complete strangers, one of which was a prior llama trainer and the other that had NIN & death posters all over the wall.  True story - that was my "triple" freshman year.  Awesome.  Anyways - I think Vinny just needs a good weekend/couple of days back home with the fam to re-energize.  I mean I give him props for staying with these people for as long as he has, I don't think I could last an hour in that house!
·       Jionni seems like a genuinely nice guy.  And now I'm starting to feel bad for him.  Snooki is acting very strange about this whole Situation thing and I don’t know what the truth is, but just tell the poor guy and move on.  It's pathetic!
Sooo I'm stoked for the rest of the season - looks pretty interesting!!!  I hope you all have fabulous weekends!!!  XOXO

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