Soooo I'm an cranky lil duck today!! This has just not been my day - actually started with last night when I got home. Let me break this down for you:
Last evening: Got home from my acupuncture appointment, totally excited I had my mom's homemade soup to eat for dinner. Oh I also had a migraine so I wasn't feeling myself. Heated it up ate/licked the bowl so delish. Angry because I wanted more. Starving. Nothing in my house to eat because I haven't had time to go to the grocery store. So mad. Didn't really sleep that well.
7:30 am: Wake up/just get up since I've been awake for awhile. Groggily go to the bathroom turn on the shower. Confused. Nothing is coming out. Turn on faucet. Confused. Nothing is coming out. Go to the bathroom - realize I can't flush the toilet. Umm I have no water - AT ALL!!! Angry. I throw on clothes to go down to talk to the doorman to see what is going on. Elevator opens - there's a sign in the elevator that reads in the handwriting of a small child: NO WATER. WATER TANK EMERGENCY. FIXING ASAP.
So that's that. Go back - don't shower. Oh and did I mention I got my period this morning?! TMI - sorry - I'm cranky! So I'm not feeling good on all fronts! Throw on clothes and I'm off to work.
8:30 am: Get to work - my secretary tells me I have a run in my stocking. IMMEDIATE anger. I paid so much money for these I'm embarrassed. But I got them on Friends & Family at Bloomies and they're the Commando brand - obsessed. But they're like $30/pair (less with F&F). SOOO this is the first time I've worn them and now they're done. Soooo much anger.
9:00 am: This guy I'm supposed to get set up for a video conference with another office is late - causing a situation. Putting out fires. He finally arrives at 9:15 am. Awesome.
11:15 am: Called a spa for a gift for my sister in law (they claim to be having 15% off all gift certificates). Get this woman on the phone who informs me that it's such an amazing deal and you only have to spend $200. I was like ummm what?! There is no mention of this ever anywhere and I'm not spending $200. This is blasphemous!! Angry.
11:35 am: Called Proactiv to cancel my subscription/membership since they took it upon themselves to charge my credit card $40 just because they felt like it and I didn't give them permission. Get this loon on the phone that tells me ok great they'll cancel after about 5 minutes of trying to persuade me, blah blah blah. Then informs me that my card will only be charged an additional $100 because I'm in this "3 month installment".
SO MUCH RAGE/ANGER. I never signed up for this and now I'm being charged all this money?! Blood pressure rising even just typing this!! There may or may not have been some yelling. I cancelled my life with them and now have to send this stupid thing back (at my own expense) to get them to stop charging my card!! INSANE!!
11:50 am: Just trying to take deep breathes and settle myself down.
12:45 pm: In H&M trying to pick up a cute lil number for an upcoming weekend jaunt. Don’t' have my size in practically anything I wanted - however I was able to find a few thigns worth bringing trying on and most likely returning. Get on line. There are about 15 people "working" and only one poor guy running the register. The others are just hanging out. The line is insane waited for awhile and then just went to another floor.
1:07 pm: Go to grab a wrap - excited because I haven't had one in awhile. Don’t worry they don't have avocado wahhhhhhhh!
1:12 pm: Go to get my Powerball ticket - the guy gives me the wrong thing and I literally almost burst into tears.
This. Day. And now I have to go to a doctor's appointment that is always like 3 hours behind schedule. The only thing getting me through is that I know I'm seeing CCK for dinner tonight!! A fun last minute surprise and I couldn't be more excited!!
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
I'll Take Things That Are Bananas for $100 Please
First things first…I ran into Vince Vaughn today on my way to work and I think we're most likely soul mates. I mean we made eye contact and as far as I'm concerned - it was love at first sight. SO I won't forget you little people on my way to the top of stardom with Vincey- pants. Haha - which reminds me of when Hazel was "courting" this young chap named Lance and kept calling him "Lancey-pants" in her southern drawl - and to his face - that's the only name she'd call him - amazing. I digress…so Vince Vaughn and I are going to get married - I'm not caring too much about his current wife - I mean if you could have seen our connection - you'd totally understand.
So getting back to things that are bananas I have 3 separate instances over the past few days - don’t even know what is going on in my life!
Volunteering Gone Awry
So I volunteered on Sunday to help clean up Sandy's mess. I met up with a group of girls in my alumni chapter sorority group and we were going to join this organization that needed volunteers. Well I left my house at like 8 am on Sunday to head to Brooklyn - finally got there and got on line. There were a few other girls with my group, no one I knew, but they were friendly. Well this organization was the most DISORANGIZED situation ever. We basically waiting for almost 3 hours to be all put into random cars, separated, and brought out to a specific "site". I was next in line, the organizer said she needed 2 people so I forced this other girl to come with me - sorry I'm not sorry. We walked over to find our "driver". Oh I should mention that basically there's a line for drivers with cars and a line for volunteers. You just get paired up, given an address and you drive out with these random people about an hour away. So we walk over and there are these 2 dudes - one with long gross pony tail hair, one of those earrings that you can see through the ear, cargo pants and a t-shirt. The other was a lil guy with glasses, earrings and skinny jeans. What's going on?! Neither really spoke English - they were Russian. So obviously we get in their car like it's totally normal. This girl and I barely know each other and we're just like clinging to one another in the back of this dude's car. Then he proceeds to make 2 stops, one at 7-11 and one to pick up his "friend" who was equally gross and scary. He sat in the back seat with us, actually shoved in with us, politely offered us a "bite" of his gross food - and a literal bite he had like an empanada. Oh and did I mention that blaring the whole time was Russian rap/punk music??
Yup - this is my life. So we had about a 45 minute drive to the Far Rockaway. Let me tell you - I wasn’t prepared for what I was about to see. It was completely devastating. I literally was just in tears when we crossed over to the beach area. I mean there were boats tossed in the middle of the street, concrete lamp posts ripped out, no boardwalk, homes completely ripped apart and destroyed and people just wandering around trying to make sense of it all. At that point all the other BS in my life kind of dissipated. It was just nuts. However I was disappointed in the lack of organization in this place. We walked in and basically spent a 1/2 hour just trying to find someone to tell us where/what we needed to do/go. Finally we just started sorting clothing and bags and helping families find things that they needed. We were basically in a donation area where families could come and pick up their necessities - food, clothes, cleaning supplies, etc. So I did this for a few hours, not exactly what I had in mind - I really wanted to do more manual labor - but it's what they needed, so whatever I could do to help. And then it took us 3 hours to get home because those D-Bags LEFT US!!!
They left us stranded in Far Rockaway - which is QUEEENS for those of you that don't know! So we had to take like 3 buses to the subway and then switch lines because nothing out there is even running yet. It was maddening. Like thanks for your volunteer efforts and being jerks!!
Cable Companies Can Suck It
So basically my cable bill for the past months has been totally insane. I mean all I have is basic cable (no DVR - gasp!), internet and I add on HBO for like $10. My bill is…brace yourself…over $150!!! That is bananas to me! Soooo I got ballsy and called yesterday and was like you need to do something - I'm a good customer - yada yada. Oh and I should mention that I hate cable companies. Sydney actually refers to my interactions with them as a verb. For example if I need to get angry about something she'll say "just go Comcast on their ass". So I'm on the phone with this lil twit and I was being all nice and explain that things are just a lil too pricey and is there anything they could do. Her response, I kid you not was…"I can give you Showtime for 6 months for $5".
Ummm I'm sorry what?! I just told you I needed to save money and your response was to add on another $5?? So I explained it again and she goes "I mean yah normally it's $10/month - so you'd save $5". Ok now my blood is starting to rise/boil. This girl is beyond. Oh and I should mention that she keeps having to put me on hold to devise these gems. So I ever so calmly tried to explain again my mission. Finally after about 20 minutes of this conversation she says, well the only thing I could do would be give you internet for free for 6 mo, so you'd knock off like $60 from your bill. Ding Ding Ding!! Now if we'd just said this from the beginning we'd be all set!!
Pat Was My Cab Driver
Last night after my book club I got in a cab to go home. It started out normal, it was dark, so I really couldn't see the person driving. The he/she started talking to me in this weird "Pat-like" voice. Now I hope you all know what I'm referring to - it's an old SNL skit with this person named "Pat" and no one knows if it's a male or female.
So at first it was normal like oh what do you do chit chat - fine. Then it starts asking if I'm married, have a boyfriend, am dating. So I'm obliging - getting slightly uncomfortable as to where this is heading. Then was our exchange:
Pat: Did you see Argo?
Me: Yah that was a great movie!
Me: awkwardly shifting in my seat and trying to see what streets where on and how much further I had to go.
Pat was on a tear! She was yelling and screaming about real men and it was insane! Finally we approached my building and I was able to ricochet myself out of the cab. Really not knowing what just happened!
Sooo there you have it. Just a lil crazy to get you through the rest of the week!! Stay warm Dolls - it's getting cold!! XOXO
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
PSA - Very Important Info
So here's my PSA for today - actually I have 3. Two are semi-connected and one is not.
First PSA…VOTE! Get out there people! I voted this mronign - it was a mad house and I get that lines and waiting are annoying. BUT it's also really important - no matter who you support - just get out there.
I also got in trouble by a woman who was ummm about 90 years old because I wasn't voting fast enough. Oh I'm sorry - didn't realize how quickly you move so I'll be sure to hurry up! And BTW she worked there and was just trying to hurry people along - not ok!! I will take as long as I damn well please to decide and cast my vote…stand back lady!
As we approach the colder weather the second & third PSAs are slightly similar in nature. However each is equally as important as the other to keep in mind.
Second PSA…leggings are not pants. I repeat leggings are not pants. Period. End of statement.
Please be a dear and cover your rear! PS - I just made that up - but I should copyright it as my legging slogan.
Third PSA…tights are not leggings. Especially when they are not opaque. You'd be shocked to find the amount of women walking around and you can see right through their pants/leggings/tights.
See how the two go together - because it's even worse when people wear their tights as leggings as pants. Stop the madness!!!
Ok - that's my 2 cents for the day. Please heed these warnings and think next time before you step out of the house.
First PSA…VOTE! Get out there people! I voted this mronign - it was a mad house and I get that lines and waiting are annoying. BUT it's also really important - no matter who you support - just get out there.
I also got in trouble by a woman who was ummm about 90 years old because I wasn't voting fast enough. Oh I'm sorry - didn't realize how quickly you move so I'll be sure to hurry up! And BTW she worked there and was just trying to hurry people along - not ok!! I will take as long as I damn well please to decide and cast my vote…stand back lady!
As we approach the colder weather the second & third PSAs are slightly similar in nature. However each is equally as important as the other to keep in mind.
Second PSA…leggings are not pants. I repeat leggings are not pants. Period. End of statement.
I don’t care what you look like, how skinny you are, leggings are not to be worn as pants. The only time its slightly ok is at the gym. I get so annoyed when I see women prancing around in leggings and short tops. That's not how they are meant to be worn!
Please be a dear and cover your rear! PS - I just made that up - but I should copyright it as my legging slogan.
Third PSA…tights are not leggings. Especially when they are not opaque. You'd be shocked to find the amount of women walking around and you can see right through their pants/leggings/tights.
See how the two go together - because it's even worse when people wear their tights as leggings as pants. Stop the madness!!!
Ok - that's my 2 cents for the day. Please heed these warnings and think next time before you step out of the house.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Rise Up
While my sister's wedding was absolutely gorgeous and she looked spectacular and it was a blast, unfortunately we go hit with a curve ball on Sunday night. It was a fabulous wedding and we had a great time, but I'd like to discuss something a little more serious today.
I hope everyone reading this is safe and dry! This has been an insane past few days for all us New Yorkers, New Jerseyians & Connecticutites (not sure if any of those are "PC"). I've been overwhelmed by what Mother Nature has the capacity to do. While I know a lot of people out there have dealt with destruction and devastation, this part of the country/world has been awfully lucky. We are not in an "area" that is generally hit by these types of storms. Snow storms, yes, we'll take it and we're prepared. But this, this was just insanity.
I'm not going to pretend I had the worst, I was incredibly lucky. My parents still don’t have power and won't for most likely 10 days. They are in the same boat as others. I was lucky and still have power. However, my night on Monday night was incredibly scary. I live alone in a studio on the 6th floor. Basically my whole back wall is a 20 foot window. I was so terrified that it was going to just blow in. And the wind between the apartments was creating a wind tunnel of sorts in the hallway and all night my door was just banging. It was so scary - especially being alone.
When I woke up on Tuesday, I had no idea what to expect. The area around me was ripped through. I was walking up the FDR, which was crazy, it's always bumper to bumper with traffic, but yesterday, there was not a single car. It was really eerie.
I think what really got me the most was the devastation to my beloved Jersey Shore. It's basically washed away. We have so much to rebuild and put back together. There are memories, homes, businesses, that have just been demolished. Boardwalks are gone and streets are flooded beyond recognition.
I'm not trying to be all Debbie Downer and sappy, but as I was walking into work today I was listening to Bruce Springsteen's song "My City of Ruins" and I just started to cry. If you've never heard it, it was about 9/11, however it was so fitting for what is going on. And for Springsteen, he's a shore guy, it just really got to me. When you hear the lyrics (I also put them below), you'll get it…
We have a long road ahead of us - but we will "Rise UP" once again! Stay safe! XOXO
I hope everyone reading this is safe and dry! This has been an insane past few days for all us New Yorkers, New Jerseyians & Connecticutites (not sure if any of those are "PC"). I've been overwhelmed by what Mother Nature has the capacity to do. While I know a lot of people out there have dealt with destruction and devastation, this part of the country/world has been awfully lucky. We are not in an "area" that is generally hit by these types of storms. Snow storms, yes, we'll take it and we're prepared. But this, this was just insanity.
I'm not going to pretend I had the worst, I was incredibly lucky. My parents still don’t have power and won't for most likely 10 days. They are in the same boat as others. I was lucky and still have power. However, my night on Monday night was incredibly scary. I live alone in a studio on the 6th floor. Basically my whole back wall is a 20 foot window. I was so terrified that it was going to just blow in. And the wind between the apartments was creating a wind tunnel of sorts in the hallway and all night my door was just banging. It was so scary - especially being alone.
When I woke up on Tuesday, I had no idea what to expect. The area around me was ripped through. I was walking up the FDR, which was crazy, it's always bumper to bumper with traffic, but yesterday, there was not a single car. It was really eerie.
I think what really got me the most was the devastation to my beloved Jersey Shore. It's basically washed away. We have so much to rebuild and put back together. There are memories, homes, businesses, that have just been demolished. Boardwalks are gone and streets are flooded beyond recognition.
I'm not trying to be all Debbie Downer and sappy, but as I was walking into work today I was listening to Bruce Springsteen's song "My City of Ruins" and I just started to cry. If you've never heard it, it was about 9/11, however it was so fitting for what is going on. And for Springsteen, he's a shore guy, it just really got to me. When you hear the lyrics (I also put them below), you'll get it…
"My City of Ruins"
There is a blood red circle
On the cold dark ground
And the rain is falling down
The church door's thrown open
I can hear the organ's song
But the congregation's gone
My city of ruins
My city of ruins
Now the sweet bells of mercy
Drift through the evening trees
Young men on the corner
Like scattered leaves,
The boarded up windows,
The empty streets
While my brother's down on his knees
My city of ruins
My city of ruins
Come on, rise up! Come on, rise up!
Come on, rise up! Come on, rise up!
Come on, rise up! Come on, rise up!
Now's there's tears on the pillow
Darlin' where we slept
And you took my heart when you left
Without your sweet kiss
My soul is lost, my friend
Tell me how do I begin again?
My city's in ruins
My city's in ruins
Now with these hands,
With these hands,
With these hands,
I pray Lord
With these hands,
With these hands,
With these hands,
I pray for the strength, Lord
With these hands,
With these hands,
I pray for the faith, Lord
We pray for your love, Lord
We pray for the lost, Lord
We pray for this world, Lord
We pray for the strength, Lord
We pray for the strength, Lord
Come on
Come on
Come on, rise up
Come on, rise up
Come on, rise up
Come on, rise up
Come on, rise up
Come on, rise up
Come on, rise up
Come on, rise up
Come on, rise up
We have a long road ahead of us - but we will "Rise UP" once again! Stay safe! XOXO
Monday, October 29, 2012
Sir Mix A Lot
My apologies...this was supposed to have been posted last week!!
Hello party people! Things are getting rull cray to the cray over here!! My sister gets married in T-4 days - ahhhhhh!!! So this will be my last post until next week and of course I'll fill you in on all the deets.
So as you know - I've been roped into joining Match again - which I'll say is gross (have I mentioned that yet?!). last night they had one of their "mixer" events and I decided to go balls out and just do it. I mean what is the worst that could happen - I have a drink and walk right back out. I was so nervous - like sick to my stomach nervous. I most likely should have had a strong beverage before I went. Oh and btw I was going alone - I repeat I was going ALONE. So I got myself looking good and off I went. It was at this bar - nothing too special. I got there a half hour late hoping that I wouldn't be the first/biggest dork there. Oh and as I was approaching the bar there was a chalkboard sign on the sidewalk with this in ginormous letters "MATCH.COM" WITH AN ARROW!!
I mean mortifying - I literally covered my face, walked in and hoped that no one saw me.
When I got inside I, of course, made a beeline for the bar. I wiggled my way up, there was a good number of people there, but I hadn't really scoped it all out yet. The girl standing next to me and I started chatting. Turned out she was in the same boat as me, came alone and was hating her life. We of course became fast and furious friends. So we found a spot and started to check out the scene. EPIC FAIL. And by that I mean that there were 3 times the number of women there over men. The men there were either creepy or about 5'5". Have I mentioned that I'm 5'8"?! So there's that. We basically just chatted with each other and then finally I started talking to this guy. I had made a rule in my head going in that I had to talk to at least one guy. CHECK. He was kind of a tool, but could at least carry on a conversation. We talked for like 20 minutes and then he was like, "umm ok so I'm gonna go back and hang with my buddies". Cool - so glad I just wasted 20 minutes of my life on you. have fun with them. Just annoying - I mean I really wasn't feeling him, but he could have at least asked one of us for email/number/something. It was just really awkward.
The whole thing was just awkward. Not pleasant. But I mean I had a glass of wine out of it and that girl and I exchanged numbers - haha I love how those are the "digits" I came away with. We both decided that we'd try one more event, maybe something a little more structured, and at least we'd be together next time so it won't be as daunting!
So we left and I was walking away realizing I was in major shoe pain, so I stopped to change into flats. This guy approaches me and he's like "oh did you just come from there" - points to the bar. I mean did I have a sign on me that read "loser who belongs to"?! I was like "yah I did - enjoy!". I had no interest. Again with the shortness and then I was kinda creeped out because he kept asking to go to coffee with me and I didn't know what to do, so I did the obvious and said "oh sorry I'm on my way home I have a bunch of work calls I have to make". What - that clearly does not even make any bit of sense! Why do I do things like this?! He then asks for my number so I bargained with him and gave him my match name. actually I accidentally gave him the wrong one - but don’t worry he found me!
So basically out of this evening I gave my info to 2 people - one female and one total stalker creep. All in all I'd say it was a successful hour and a half.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Some Housekeeping Items
Ok so a few quick things that need to be discussed…
1. I saw "Pitch Perfect" and I'm completely obsessed. Here are some takeaways:
- I want to marry the lead actor/character - his name is Skylar Astin.
I've never really seen him before this, apparently he had a cameo on "Girls" (HBO). Umm it's not normal how obsessed I am with him - I'm like a love struck teen. And it's not even like he's the hottest thing around - his personality in this movie is just perfect.
- I love Rebel Wilson.
She is a comedic genius and is really going places. I think she's completely hilar and I want to be her friend.
- I awkwardly admitted afterwards that I wanted to watch it again and write down all the songs they performed so I can go buy the ones I don’t have. It was like a blast from the past that I thoroughly enjoyed.
- I can't wait to see this again. I need to watch a second time to capture things that I missed while I was laughing.
- Why are you still reading this and not running to your theatre to see it?!
2. Is it weird that I didn't watch the debates last night (expect 10 minutes) and instead thought that "Giuliana & Bill" would be more important?! I’m kinda over all this political stuff - I just want November to be here so I don’t have to deal anymore! I mean you all know I'm overly obsessed with America - but all this back and forth and lying/not lying craziness is driving me nuts!
3. My sister is getting married next weekend!! AHHHHH!!! I can't believe it's almost here!! I have a backless dress (I know major scandy) and I'm thinking of wearing my hair like so…how do we feel about it??
4. I had another annoying "people don’t understand special issues" the other day. I was on the bus and there were open seats everywhere. I sat down on the end seat, so there were 2 seats to my right. This woman gets on and sits directly next to me. And then puts her bag on the seat next to her.
Umm really?! Why are you on top of me?!?! I was like heavy breathing mad.
5. The Real Housewives reunions were hella nuts! NJ and NY are two of my faves and both just wrapped this past week. I don’t even know where to go! All I can say is - omg Joe Gorga was a stripper - dying. Teresa needs to check herself. Ramona is still Ramona. I love Heather. Jacqueline needs to stay awake. I wish Kathy didn't get a nose job - she didn't need it! Caroline - preach is sista. Andy - you are a saint.
Ok so that's all for now. One more thing - I'm back on the exercise circuit. Don’t worry the desk person at the gym gave me a "judgy" look when I checked in yesterday. You don’t know my life - stand back!
Monday, October 8, 2012
Working for the Weekend
Ugh - so here we are again. Monday. You are my Everest.
I hope you all enjoyed your weekends. I managed to squeeze some fun out of mine! Friday was another ridiculous co-worker extravaganza. Once again I found myself out until 2:30 am with some work peeps. So that happened. I don’t even know - so ridiculous. Saturday I wasn't as bad as last week, but managed to be a complete POS until about 1 pm when I actually decided to get off my couch and embrace the day!
I had a day of "me" on Saturday. Honestly - I think it's so important and every girl should have one, at least every few months. I knew I was having my lil bday swaray (by swaray I mean I told friends to meet me the Rusty Knot on Saturday night), so I wanted to get myself dolled up and ready to go. my first stop was Denim Habit on the UES. I know I've discussed this place before, but I'm so obsessed. I literally stood in the doorway pathetic and said "dress me". Well challenge accepted - I walked out with a bagful of new clothes! Including an outfit for the night and a new pair of jeans that I'm obsessed with. This never happens. Jeans shopping for me is up there with bathing suite shopping - actually I might even think its worse. But these girls know their shiz…they nailed the style and size in the first shot! Here's what I got…
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Henry & Belle's Super Skinny Ankle |
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Luxe Junkie camis - UNREAL |
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Zoa shirt - you can see the look better with the pic below - but i got this color |
After that I went to Benefit to get some new makeup. They proceeded to just do my makeup. The girl was really sweet - a lil bit of a flake/wing nut. For example when she started doing my eye make up she got pretty far along and then freaked out, wiped it all off and started over. She was a treat! But I got a few new things that I really enjoyed using this morning…
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Amazing eye primer |
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Pore-fessional - it's great to put under moisturizer |
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Amazing concealer - Boi-ing |
My last stop was a blow out. I'd never been to one of those places before - so it was really fun. I went to Fix Beauty Bar (Vicky did my hair). It was so nice to just sit back and let them do it for me, but also not have it look "done". I also had a manicure while I was getting my hair done which was amazing - time saver and you just felt pampered!
I then took myself home and got dressed to go out. we had dinner at Frankie 570 which was delish, not too $$, but great food/drinks. Then we proceeded to Rusty Knot and Automatic Slims for a lil dancing action.
Sunday I did my closet - worst task ever! I hate changing summer/winter stuff. It's such a process and I dread it every season! That is one thing I can't even wait to have - a closet big enough that I don’t have to partake in the ritual every season! I finished my weekend with a fab TV line up of…Big Rich Texas, Revenge & RHONJ Reunion. Umm can we discuss the reunion - did not disappoint. Love it - and some people are still continuing to just bring on the cray-zay!
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Oh Ron...Do Go ON!!
Hello friends! Happy gross Tuesday! It's raining and not pleasant here - so hopefully it's a lil nicer where you are. How were all the weekends? Mine was pretty solid! I'll recap for you.
Well my bday was on Friday, so there's that. I woke up, got out of bed and said - make this a good day! I didn't feel like doing anything, but I was trying to pump myself up. So I took extra time doing my hair & makeup, put on new outfit, and embraced the day. I left my apartment and it was kinda misting out, but not too bad. I literally didn't even make it up the block and the skies opened up - TORENTIAL down pour. I was like a drowned rat.
I had an umbrella but it didn't do a thing with the sideways rain that was going on. I finally got to work and I was basically wearing no shirt because I had on a white button down. So it was like I was just wearing a skirt and my bra. One of the "head guys" at work who's about 78 years old was like "umm do you want a shirt, I have an extra in my closet". Totally sweet, but I just stomped passed and mumbled "I'll be in my office wringing myself out - see you in an hour". And then my secretary scurried in and gave me her desk fan which she set up for me so it would blow in my face and try to dry me off. Oh and did I mention that my hari was a rats nest and I had makeup streaming down my face?! Oh I didn't - well that happened! And don’t worry I'm still using bronzer to pretend I'm still tan from the summer - so my face was basically half brown/half white and I had mascara dripping down. So that's how the day started - awesome. The rest of the actual day didn't improve by much. And all my friends here weren't going to be here that night, so I planned on just going home and wallowing.
So I left work, went and got a mani/pedi - trying to salvage the day. After that a girl I work with (who was supposed to be going out of town) texted me and told me to meet them at this bar because she was going to stay in the city after all. So I was back and forth and then forced myself out. And I'm glad I did - it wound up being a great night! Just a few work peeps and a lot of alcohol. We went to a few different bars and things were getting a lil cray. We randomly met these 2 men from Haiti who were amazing. They were older and talking to us for awhile. Oh this was after some other man spilled his glass of red wine down my leather bag (that I got in Barcelona) and I almost lost it/burst into tears. Anywho…the one guy, Ron, was quite a character. At one point I was standing with my work crush (oh don’t worry he was there all night buying me drinks and having fun) and this was our exchange with Ron:
Ron: Are you 2 brohter and sister??
Us: (giggling/shocked because we look nothing alike) umm no!
Ron: Well good because you 2 need to date!
Us: (laughing awkwardly, giggling, me looking at the floor/turning purple, etc.)
So basically we're married now - at least according to Ron. Soooo after that we wound up at this dive bar. Really fun - and this is when things start to get hazy. I know I invited myself to a co-workers wedding (awesome) and I know I took myself home around 2 am. I also know that I changed my shoes on the sidewalk. I also know that I woke up on my couch in a t-shirt and undies around 6 am with the TV & lights on with Whole Foods mashed potatoes in front of me. So choose your own adventure as to how my night ended.
Then Saturday morning came and I felt atrocious. I was heading to West Chester, PA to see some of the girls. I made a miraculous recovery though by the time I got there and it was all good. I was able to power through and have another fab night! We went to a great dinner, caught up, and went out to few fun bars. All of us pretending we still "have it"!!
All in all it was a great weekend - despite it being my birthday! Happy work week - we're almost there!!
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Who Said It's My Birthday?!
So in trying to keep up with my's today's post about me not wanting my birthday to arrive. Tomorrow is my birthday - bleh.
I'm going to be Double Sweet Sixteen. I'm normally not the girl that gets totally hyped about birthdays - but generally I'll do a lil something. But this year - nothing. It's going to rain tomorrow and I'm already just not excited. There's no one around to go grab drinks. SO next week I'm going to do a lil joint thing, but as for tomorrow - maybe a lil mani/pedi action is in store. Maybe some takeout and a movie - I don't know - sky's the limit I suppose. I'll check in tomorrow and let you know my status. AKA if I haven't left my house and I'm in my PJ's with my head in the freezer searching for ice-cream. Not trying to be all Debbie Downer but to sum it up...
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Guess Who's Back In The Mother F-ing House?!
I'm baaaacck!!! Hello all you little followers out there - if I even have any left! I'm so sorry for my summer/early fall hiatus. Things have been really cray in my life and I'm just starting to get myself back on track! A few things that I'll highlight below and then lets just carry on "business as usual"!
1. One of the main reasons I've been away were some pretty mayyyja medical situations - BUT I'm back on track and ready to rock 'n roll. So my apologies, but I just haven't been in the "bloggin' place" these past few months. With all that behind me - I'm ready once again to delve into my life and into your hearts!!2. Can we discuss the final season on Teen Mom?! I mean what the what happened?? Still don’t enjoy Farrah, Catelyn & Tyler have a special place in my heart, I hope Maci & Kyyyyle are back on & finally - Amber - there are no words.
3. I'm in the throws of redecorating my apartment. I'm acting as if I'm undertaking this huge situation (mansion proportions), however let me inform you that I live in a studio - I repeat I live in a studio. But that being said, I'm going for brown tones with pops of orange - so I'll post some pics when it's all done and I'm actually excited about it and not stressed about it!
4. I'm overly excited for all the fall shows to start again. The Voice is already in full swing, Gossip Girl final season - dying, Revenge - can't even wait, New Girl - I can't and Modern Family - I'm sooo excited for Gloria to be pregnant!! And there are a few new ones that I am seriously excited about - Mindy Project in particular. I watched it last night and it is spot on - I'm already obsessed.
5. I joined a book club and I already had to miss the first meeting because I couldn't finish the book. So there's that. BUT I'm holding steady on this second one, so hopefully I'll be able to participate in October.
6. I saw Bruce Springsteen the other night and it was prob the best concert I've ever seen. He was seriously inspiring and amazing - at 60+ to be able to do what he does - incredible. He played for 3 1/2 hours straight - like no interruptions - nothing - just played. He really spoke to me - I've currently been rocking out to all things Bruce on my way to work.
7. I'm totally psyched about the fall nail colors - dark is back!! I've already done a few that I'm loving.
10. I'll leave you with this…at the request of friends I joined Match again. I already hate and here's why (an actual email I received):
Hi :)
Interesting the way you bring yourself outhere.
You have definetely have shined on your ability of being classic and
I think your thoughts are swiftly very well claimed.
Is the nature of you, I suppose ;)
A very calm to read, sensible, feminine at the same time quite vibrant and pleasant profile I must add.
I got impressed by your warmly gentle ways very sweet and kind.
And then after words comes your smile...eyes... gorgeous, besides
I'm assuming that you got all together balanced thru body and mind with a whimsical touch so we all think we are.
I'm in Queens. I'm in Manhattan and Jersey often.
I do work on the fantastic world of aeronautics and electronics, biggest airline around.
Let me know if you would like to meet sometime ? I know I would like to ;)
Have a absolute great day, nothing less,
I'm so excited to be back my pretties!! I promise I'll be better!! Happy Wednesday - hoping your morning went better than mine (lets just say I was late and my secretary said the word "coolio" while she was lint rolling my dress). XOXO
1. One of the main reasons I've been away were some pretty mayyyja medical situations - BUT I'm back on track and ready to rock 'n roll. So my apologies, but I just haven't been in the "bloggin' place" these past few months. With all that behind me - I'm ready once again to delve into my life and into your hearts!!2. Can we discuss the final season on Teen Mom?! I mean what the what happened?? Still don’t enjoy Farrah, Catelyn & Tyler have a special place in my heart, I hope Maci & Kyyyyle are back on & finally - Amber - there are no words.
3. I'm in the throws of redecorating my apartment. I'm acting as if I'm undertaking this huge situation (mansion proportions), however let me inform you that I live in a studio - I repeat I live in a studio. But that being said, I'm going for brown tones with pops of orange - so I'll post some pics when it's all done and I'm actually excited about it and not stressed about it!
4. I'm overly excited for all the fall shows to start again. The Voice is already in full swing, Gossip Girl final season - dying, Revenge - can't even wait, New Girl - I can't and Modern Family - I'm sooo excited for Gloria to be pregnant!! And there are a few new ones that I am seriously excited about - Mindy Project in particular. I watched it last night and it is spot on - I'm already obsessed.
5. I joined a book club and I already had to miss the first meeting because I couldn't finish the book. So there's that. BUT I'm holding steady on this second one, so hopefully I'll be able to participate in October.
6. I saw Bruce Springsteen the other night and it was prob the best concert I've ever seen. He was seriously inspiring and amazing - at 60+ to be able to do what he does - incredible. He played for 3 1/2 hours straight - like no interruptions - nothing - just played. He really spoke to me - I've currently been rocking out to all things Bruce on my way to work.
7. I'm totally psyched about the fall nail colors - dark is back!! I've already done a few that I'm loving.
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Nein-Nein-Nein-Ok-Fine |
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Essie - Sytlenomics Collection |
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German-icure |
8. My new food obsession are Kind Bars - if you haven't tried them run to your grocery store and buy them. They're amazing! A great snack or breakfast and I lovey love!!
9. I got my dress for my sister's wedding (one month to go!!!) and it's backless. Not sure what I was thinking - but it seemed like a good idea at the time. I'm searching for a bra that will help in that department - I'm open to suggestions - I just ordered this one and hope it works/doesn't fall down in the middle of the ceremony on my feet.
10. I'll leave you with this…at the request of friends I joined Match again. I already hate and here's why (an actual email I received):
Interesting the way you bring yourself outhere.
You have definetely have shined on your ability of being classic and
I think your thoughts are swiftly very well claimed.
Is the nature of you, I suppose ;)
A very calm to read, sensible, feminine at the same time quite vibrant and pleasant profile I must add.
I got impressed by your warmly gentle ways very sweet and kind.
And then after words comes your smile...eyes... gorgeous, besides
I'm assuming that you got all together balanced thru body and mind with a whimsical touch so we all think we are.
I'm in Queens. I'm in Manhattan and Jersey often.
I do work on the fantastic world of aeronautics and electronics, biggest airline around.
Let me know if you would like to meet sometime ? I know I would like to ;)
Have a absolute great day, nothing less,
I'm so excited to be back my pretties!! I promise I'll be better!! Happy Wednesday - hoping your morning went better than mine (lets just say I was late and my secretary said the word "coolio" while she was lint rolling my dress). XOXO
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