Thursday, May 26, 2011

Good Morning!!

Three quick things about my day so far. It's only 10 am and it's already interesting.

1. Confession. I left my house this morning in such a whirlwind. Do you ever have those days? I had plenty of time and then all of a sudden I was late. I was running around like an idiot and trying to through an outfit together - which I don't even think looks good - but meh - it's Thursday. I finally depart my apartment - lock the door - elevator - good morning to my doorman - start my trek. I'm about 5 blocks in when I realize that in my haste I forgot a majorly important thing. Like very major. I forgot to BRUSH MY TEETH!!!

WTF is wrong with me?! And the weirdest thing is that literally the other day while walking to work I thought to myself "wouldn't it be weird if you forgot to brush your teeth?!" - just little inner-monologues I have with myself. And it happened!! I was so mortified. I pretty much figured that everyone on the street knew of my poor hygiene. I never forget to do that - its just obviously part of my routine! So I ran myself into the next CVS I saw and grabbed those new disposable toothbrushes and about 4 other things I realized I needed. Got into my office without speaking to anyone and quickly whipped them out. They actually work fairly well. I mean - if you're in a pinch! I wouldn't use them as my regular toothbrush - but I now have 4 "extras" in my desk - just in case!

2. Piano Man. As I was mortifyingly walking to work this morning I saw something else that made me less embarrassed about myself. There was a man walking towards me in a suit with his head phones on (ummm totally dating myself - I should have said "iPod on") and he was full out playing the air piano.

Basically practicing his skills while walking. I'm all for "2 birds 1 stone" - but seriously - in the middle of the sidewalk you need to play your piano?! And I'm not talking just "pretending" to play - he was full on "playing" certain keys, pedal, etc. The best part is that no one really even flinched. You gotta love New York!

3. Blue Man Group. Also while on my crusade to the office - I passed another man in an interesting get-up. He was fully decked out - feeling his best - thinking he was the shiz - in an electric blue/cobalt suit.

Who wears that?! I mean I know I prob shouldn't be judging on people's attire - those in glass houses and all - but where do you work where that would be an appropriate outfit for the "office"?! And where does one even find such a thing?! It literally blinded me! So bright - and it was too early for something so bright to be in my face.

Hopefully this day will get a little less weird. I mean maybe I got all the "weirdness" out first thing - instead of being spread out through my day! I'm just glad it's Thursday - one more day and then a THREE DAY WEEKEND!!! Yee-ha! (Ummm I'm a little embarrassed about that - but not enough to delete it - sorry I'm not sorry.)

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